I am obsessed with organizing my life, and I feel like with every change comes the need for a new way to carry all my crap. It's been eating at me for awhile now, the search for a perfect bag. I thought I finally found it at a Christmas market last year, but that one broke not even a month after I purchased it, so the search continues...
Well, I think I have FINALLY found it: the perfect bag for my crazy and adventurous life. And I'm excited enough about it, and quite frankly just that much of a dork, that I have to share how awesome this bag really is.
The minimalist that I am, I have rarely had a purse or day pack that is large. In fact, I usually carried a tote or backpack to the office and would use a wallet that would slide out of that bag when it was time to shop, etc. This method didn't even change much when I had little r.
My life shifted again though - big surprise, right? The office is no longer calling, and my purse needs to carry diapers, bankees, cars, yum bears, and...oh, yeah, my wallet. Little r is also constantly on the move and always asking me to pick him up for a bit, so finding the right bag that isn't overly cumbersome, fits all our adventure needs, and stays put when I carry and chase little r is critical.
So, I got a backpack, but it's not just any backpack, it's pretty much the perfect day-tripper for the adventurous mom on the go. A little bigger than a purse pack but a little smaller than those packs we all carried in grade school. It's a backpack, so the straps don't fall off my shoulders or provide too much weight to one side. Poor little r would get smacked in the head with my purse every time I leaned over. Hopefully those days are over.
If you are super anally organized like I am and you obsess about silly things like finding the perfect bag, you might just have to check this thing out. It's from REI, pretty much my favorite store on the planet, and it is made from 28 recycled bottles (SWEET!). My sister gets all the credit for turning me onto the idea. She has had the REI day tripper backpack for years now. When I saw her use it on her trip here, I decided I just had to have one. I'm super excited to try it on our mini-vacations this summer.
I'm going to go about my day dreaming about all the fun and dorky things I'll be able to do with my new bag. It's pretty freaking awesome, and I'm pretty stinking happy that I found it ;)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I love that! I am always in search of the perfect bag (utilitarian, pretty, not too big, not too small, etc.).