We finally have possession of little r's passport. Only took some serious acts of patience to get this important document in-hand. I'm sure we won't even need it now, but it'll give this mama some piece of mind knowing we have it.
I'd like to create a rant about how ridiculous the process was to get a passport for a minor on our post, how the hours were impossible, and the one single employee there is greatly overworked, yadee yada... Honestly though, I'm just so relieved to finally have it that I'm putting that whole stupid mess behind me.
I wish the photo in this post was the one on little r's passport, but the powers at be don't let you smile in your official passport photo. Apparently you are not allowed to look happy when you are on vacation or maybe a sour face matches a more accurate portrayal of folks when they undergo international travel. I'm sure it's an important reason. When I had little r's photo taken for his passport, he was in the sweetest mood. Although the photographer said we couldn't use it, the picture was so darned cute he had to let us have a copy. I'm glad he did because I love it :)
Now it's on to happy travels for this family. We start with Austria as we take little r and the old puppy skiing in the Alps this weekend. That's exciting enough, but to add a little more something special, Big R's best friend is flying out from Boston to ski with us! We can't wait, and I'll be excited to tell you all about it when we get back.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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