Ah, so here I am climbing through my 26th week of pregnancy with Baby T, and the second trimester has me feeling mostly glorious. My pregnancy is much stronger than it was when I was pregnant with little r, but I've also had to deal with a few other non-threatening issues that keep life interesting. That aside though, it has been so much fun this time watching my belly grow. Although it's been proudly showing for weeks now, recently this baby has really "popped" and Big R can't stopped giggling when he looks at my belly.

I've been having more fun this time around with maternity clothes. I was hoping to wear my regular clothes much longer, but that just wasn't happening. I can easily still wear many of my regular jeans yet why would I want to? They are horribly uncomfortable, so I've packed them away for now. Instead I'm living in leggings, dresses, and maternity jeans, and loving that I was able to borrow so many cute tops to get me through this exciting time in my life. I might miss working, but I don't miss working while pregnant. It's much more fun, and easier to stay comfortable, when you aren't trying to dress to impress.

This pregnancy has left me much more emotional this time around. Or maybe it's the same and my memory is simply failing me on what state my emotions were in during my last pregnancy. Life simply appears more emotional for me right now as well. Being someone that rarely allows her tears to fall, it might be a good thing that my hormones are allowing the emotional release.
I'm also hungry ALL THE TIME. It's uncanny really. Although I'm trying to focus my eating on healthier foods (mostly by keeping unhealthy foods out of the house the best I can), I've decided to stop worrying about it. When the baby is hungry, I eat. As long as it's not comfort eating, I figure the baby wants something. My latest craving has been for cake. Not good cake, but that horrible American sheet cake or moist Duncan cake with oodles of disgusting sugary frosting. I actually forced myself to not buy the ingredients to make one this week because I knew I would probably devour the entire cake in one sitting, or at a minimum, in one day. Yeah, we are going to avoid that one - hahaha.
As for my beloved yoga practice, I'm still going... Not holding on as strong as I had hoped, but I'm not disappointed either. I came down with a terrible cold over the holidays that had me out of the loop for three weeks. Unfortunately, that also meant no yoga for nearly that long. Getting back into a daily practice has been more challenging than I anticipated, so I'm taking it easy. If I get in a few classes a week, I'm pretty darn happy. There are poses that are becoming pretty difficult now, and then, of course, there are those that you should avoid while pregnant. I've been surprised, or should I say pleased, that I'm still able to do inversions. My headstand is strong as ever, and I am still able to do handstand and forearm balance, I just make sure to do these poses against a wall now to avoid any injury. It has been so fun to see what my growing body is capable of. No clue how long I'll be able to keep this up, but I figure if I continue to do them regularly, I might find myself getting into headstand into my last month of pregnancy. Guess we'll see!
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Camel post at 25 weeks |
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Crow post at 25 weeks |
Headstand at 25 weeks - I've still got it!!! |
There seems to never be a dull moment in our lives, but I'm doing my best to slow down as much as possible. Sometimes you just have to give in. We are constantly talking about names for Baby T, and we'll hopefully get the baby's room set up here soon. In the meantime though, I will be focusing on other necessities in life like getting little r potty trained (I'm about to hire a gypsy to take him for a week to train him, any takers?), and helping Big R keep his sanity as his work schedule seems to have him in court more than at home as of late.
I feel like I have so many updates to share, so I'm hoping to post a lot over the next month. Stay tuned, stay happy, and keep smiling :)
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