We listened to the wind howl all night, and when we all woke up this morning I began to wonder if little r's tumbling class was worth battling the storm. Big R has court all this week in Schweinfurt, so a trip to post meant the bus was our transport today. Even the old pup wasn't thrilled about going out in this horrid weather this morning.
I find myself in these predicaments and feel like I often bow out and take the easy road. Better safe than sorry, right? Something forced me to channel that inner power mama today and I decided we could make this work. What was I thinking?! Clearly I wasn't thinking at all. My judgment was clouded by a two year old hollering and racing around the house just dying to get out. Let's just say taking him to class on this stormy day was against my better judgment.
To say the weather was blustery today would be a gross understatement. If it were 10 degrees cooler this would be a blizzard equivalent to a Nor'easter. Nasty is what it was. I bundled us up, despite little r's protests, and headed out the door. Things weren't too bad. We got wet, yeah, but we were both in a great mood - at least for now...

All was well until we got to post. Then it really started to pour and the wind was relentless. I had 30 minutes before class, so I drug little r to the shoppette for a few things the little man has decided he can't live without: snack bars (nutrigrain bars) and otparts (pop tarts) (don't lecture me, a mom does what she needs to to get a toddler to eat and stay happy). Necessities in hand, and I remembered we were desperately low on diapers. The shoppette was clear out of them. What?! And apparently all of the stores on post were as well. Seriously? Is there a diaper convention going on that we hadn't heard about?! Now would be a great time for little r to decide to start using the potty...
I digress. It was time to head to tumbling, and the rain refused to let up. As we were trudging down the street, a Major felt so sorry for me that he offered to go get his car and give us a ride somewhere. I suppose we were somewhat of a sight with little r screaming and me dragging the stroller backwards in an attempt to block the wind. I don't even remember what was going through my head at this point. I think I was wishing I could go forward to backward in time and change my decision to go out in this mess.
I wish I could say the class was worth it, but it was kind of a bust. All the kids were in a mood and mine was hardly an exception. He was a total grouch disinterested in doing anything remotely associated with gymnastics. The parachute was a hit, as always, but I think that was the only time I saw him smile during class today.

At the end of class we bolted outside for the bus and braved the storm. Last thing I wanted was to miss our connection and get stuck downtown in the rain. The bus arrived and we scurried on dripping wet. Little r seemed completely unphased at this point, or at least I successfully distracted him from the fact that he was sopping wet and super uncomfortable. I pulled out a small pack of umm bears (gummy bears), and he settling happily into his seat. It's true I bribe the little man. Sometimes I think that's the only way I can make it through these adventures.

We had a 15 minute wait at the central bus station, and that's when all things went south. As the bus pulled in, we could hardly see out the windows it was raining so hard. Then it we saw lightning and then pounding thunder filled the sky. It was ominous to say the least... The gods were seriously laughing at me at this point - that or they were calling me stupid. My poor little bear cried the entire time we waited and we were both completely soaked when our bus arrived. He was a mess, I was a mess, and I think we both just wished we could ride the bus around for the next hour and take a nap.
Little r got comfy and said he wanted to go night-night on mommy. Turns out that's exactly what he did. First and probably only time he has fallen asleep on the bus.

I'm not gonna lie, I seriously contemplated staying on the bus for awhile and waiting until it came back around to our stop. But alas, we had to get off and battle the storm home. I swear it was growing more vicious by the hour. Unreal! It poured, little r screamed and I ran. At some point he just gave up and got quiet. I'm sure he couldn't believe I was doing this to him. That half mile walk home felt like an eternity. But we made it. We were soaked, so much so that water pooled inside the cuffs of my pants. The house felt warm and dry and I quickly vouched to myself to take the easy road next time...

Now that little r is finally down for a nap (I think), I am going to cuddle down with a cup of hot tea and a good book. Meanwhile I'm going to ignore the fact that it's now calm outside, not a drop of rain or wind, and the sun is trying to shine. Ah well. We'll just chalk this up as a bonding experience :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
To say the weather was blustery today would be a gross understatement. If it were 10 degrees cooler this would be a blizzard equivalent to a Nor'easter. Nasty is what it was. I bundled us up, despite little r's protests, and headed out the door. Things weren't too bad. We got wet, yeah, but we were both in a great mood - at least for now...

All was well until we got to post. Then it really started to pour and the wind was relentless. I had 30 minutes before class, so I drug little r to the shoppette for a few things the little man has decided he can't live without: snack bars (nutrigrain bars) and otparts (pop tarts) (don't lecture me, a mom does what she needs to to get a toddler to eat and stay happy). Necessities in hand, and I remembered we were desperately low on diapers. The shoppette was clear out of them. What?! And apparently all of the stores on post were as well. Seriously? Is there a diaper convention going on that we hadn't heard about?! Now would be a great time for little r to decide to start using the potty...
I digress. It was time to head to tumbling, and the rain refused to let up. As we were trudging down the street, a Major felt so sorry for me that he offered to go get his car and give us a ride somewhere. I suppose we were somewhat of a sight with little r screaming and me dragging the stroller backwards in an attempt to block the wind. I don't even remember what was going through my head at this point. I think I was wishing I could go forward to backward in time and change my decision to go out in this mess.
I wish I could say the class was worth it, but it was kind of a bust. All the kids were in a mood and mine was hardly an exception. He was a total grouch disinterested in doing anything remotely associated with gymnastics. The parachute was a hit, as always, but I think that was the only time I saw him smile during class today.

At the end of class we bolted outside for the bus and braved the storm. Last thing I wanted was to miss our connection and get stuck downtown in the rain. The bus arrived and we scurried on dripping wet. Little r seemed completely unphased at this point, or at least I successfully distracted him from the fact that he was sopping wet and super uncomfortable. I pulled out a small pack of umm bears (gummy bears), and he settling happily into his seat. It's true I bribe the little man. Sometimes I think that's the only way I can make it through these adventures.

We had a 15 minute wait at the central bus station, and that's when all things went south. As the bus pulled in, we could hardly see out the windows it was raining so hard. Then it we saw lightning and then pounding thunder filled the sky. It was ominous to say the least... The gods were seriously laughing at me at this point - that or they were calling me stupid. My poor little bear cried the entire time we waited and we were both completely soaked when our bus arrived. He was a mess, I was a mess, and I think we both just wished we could ride the bus around for the next hour and take a nap.
Little r got comfy and said he wanted to go night-night on mommy. Turns out that's exactly what he did. First and probably only time he has fallen asleep on the bus.

I'm not gonna lie, I seriously contemplated staying on the bus for awhile and waiting until it came back around to our stop. But alas, we had to get off and battle the storm home. I swear it was growing more vicious by the hour. Unreal! It poured, little r screamed and I ran. At some point he just gave up and got quiet. I'm sure he couldn't believe I was doing this to him. That half mile walk home felt like an eternity. But we made it. We were soaked, so much so that water pooled inside the cuffs of my pants. The house felt warm and dry and I quickly vouched to myself to take the easy road next time...

Now that little r is finally down for a nap (I think), I am going to cuddle down with a cup of hot tea and a good book. Meanwhile I'm going to ignore the fact that it's now calm outside, not a drop of rain or wind, and the sun is trying to shine. Ah well. We'll just chalk this up as a bonding experience :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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