Sunday, April 17, 2011
Devil's in the details...
We are soaking up the abundant advice from folks like a sponge. Between Big R's sponsor, and awesome Army wives stationed in Germany, we are getting excellent guidance. Our most helpful coaching has come from the Colonel and his wife. Not sure what we'd do without our fearless leader. The Colonel has done two tours to different posts in Germany, and he and his wife are oozing with information answering questions we didn't even realize we had. Long story short, after a dinner out with these special folk, we now have a good idea of what we are taking, leaving in storage, and tossing to the curb. We also got enough information so that our schedules could be more informed.
More to come on this part of our adventure. Big R is in the process of working with travel for his flights, and little r and I should be receiving our official orders this week. The devil is definitely in the details and since that devil refuses to sit still, I'll wait to nail down some of those particulars before sharing to avoid boring you with the constant changing minutia.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
All that aside, I'm not all about pop rock music, but better yet, neither is little r. This girl has always loved it all, and I'm hoping to raise my son to be the same way. Little r does love his Lady Gaga though.
The latest music love for our family is Broken Bells. If you haven't heard of this band or its music yet, you should give it a spin - it'll truly change your life! Not only is the music awesome, but the lead singer (from the Shins) and song writer is a poet with the most incredible lyrics. Little r loves this music so much that he cheers every time we put it on. He jams in his carseat or does his beloved Frankenstein dance (promise to get this on video soon!) and then claps screaming "yay" when the music ends. The only other band he gets this excited about is the Beatles, but then again, who doesn't?? (I have one friend that hates the Beatles, you know who you are, so just look away, my dear, look away.)
My hope is that little r continues his adoration for music. For now, here is his favorite tune:
Saturday, April 9, 2011
But seriously, 90-days is really not much time for a type A personality like mine. I always wish I could be that person that just lets the movers come in the door, pack up our things, and meet us on the other side. My little pea brain doesn't function that way. No, I have to plan and coordinate everything. Although it might create a dab more stress in the preparations, the theory is that it will make things much simpler on the other end. In other words, I'm going to lose my sanity, just to keep it.
As soon as Big R got his Orders, my wheels started spinning. Where to begin? I was literally overwhelmed not knowing where to start first. What room to tackle, what are we storing, what are we bringing, what can we throw away? Yes, it was time to make some lists. That's not a typo, I am making several lists. Being paranoid I'll forget something drives my motivation to make these lists. I even put things on the list that I had already accomplished, just so I could check some of them off. Considering one of my lists was 3 pages long, I felt that tightness in my chest ease as I put careful "checks" next to several of the items. So, what's left you ask? Pretty much everything, but at least I have it all written down so that the burden is put in some sort of order.
No stress. That is my mantra. At least we still have 90-days.
Whenever I start to feel stressed, I just look at this face:
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Great beginnings...